Earn 100 to 500 pesos using your phone by just simply reading news article
Hi its been while since i posted a blog on this page. I really miss writing an article on how i can help you guys to earn some coins while relaxing in your home,
The name of the application that i am going to share to you guys is BUZZ BREAK this is only available for andoid user .
- First you have to download the application on play store the link is down here
https://bit.ly/2JFYOPO - Once you are done with downloading the app . You just need to sign your Facebook account with it . There is a good thing with using your Facebook because you will get extra 2500 points.
Now that you are done with signing up. We are now gonna tal about they ways on how you can earn money using the app
1. You can earn money by reading news article. You just need to choose a newd article that you wanna read .After that you just to finish the timer on the article to get the points. I highly suggest to do it while watching tv or when you have nothing to do.
And you can also use my code below to earn 2000 points
B16783471 ( http://bit.ly/39RLP91 )
3. This app is also conducting a daily event and you can earn as much as 200 to 500 pesos . Most of the activites that they have is by inviting people4. Lastly is by watching videos you can earn as much as 100 points
Lastly you can withdraw your earnings through GCASH . Just make sure that your GCASH is fully verified
Alright now that we have learned on we can use the app. Feel free to use it on your free time . Happy Earnings
Lastly you can withdraw your earnings through GCASH . Just make sure that your GCASH is fully verified
Good one
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